Friday, August 25

Oracle dates diffs using analytics

Simple little analytical query to find out the difference between two dates on adjecent rows in oracle using the lead analytical function lead() fetches the value from the next row in the resultset, you can use lag() to find the previous row.
SQL> select * from leadtest;

---------- ---------- ---------
1 dog 05-JAN-06
2 dog 05-MAY-06
3 dog 05-SEP-06
4 cat 05-APR-06
5 cat 28-APR-06
6 cat 28-SEP-06
7 cat 28-OCT-06

7 rows selected.

SQL> with t as
2 (
3 select
4 tag,
5 stamp,
6 lead(stamp,1,stamp) over
7 (partition by tag order by stamp) stamp2
8 from
9 leadtest
10 )
11 select tag, stamp, stamp2, stamp2 - stamp diff from t
12 /

---------- --------- --------- ----------
cat 05-APR-06 28-APR-06 23
cat 28-APR-06 28-SEP-06 153
cat 28-SEP-06 28-OCT-06 30
cat 28-OCT-06 28-OCT-06 0
dog 05-JAN-06 05-MAY-06 120
dog 05-MAY-06 05-SEP-06 123
dog 05-SEP-06 05-SEP-06 0

7 rows selected.

-- Lets try lag() as well.
SQL> with t as
2 (
3 select
4 tag,
5 stamp,
6 lag(stamp,1,stamp) over
7 (partition by tag order by stamp) stamp2
8 from
9 leadtest
10 )
11 select tag, stamp, stamp2, stamp - stamp2 diff from t
12 /

---------- --------- --------- ----------
cat 05-APR-06 05-APR-06 0
cat 28-APR-06 05-APR-06 23
cat 28-SEP-06 28-APR-06 153
cat 28-OCT-06 28-SEP-06 30
dog 05-JAN-06 05-JAN-06 0
dog 05-MAY-06 05-JAN-06 120
dog 05-SEP-06 05-MAY-06 123

7 rows selected.

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