Tuesday, November 14

Oracle Alert log shell alias

Inspired by Laurent Schneiders recent shell alias blog post I decided to post a nice little shell alias I use.
The alias opens the current alert log file in vi, it reads the background dump dest from sqlplus and constructs the full path to the file name. Works pretty well, it's quite convenient to have one single command to quickly open the alert log, it requires that your oraenv (ORACLE_HOME, PATH and ORACLE_SID) is set correctly.

The alias:
alias alert='vi + $(printf "set heading off pages 0 feedback off\n select value from v\$parameter where name='\''background_dump_dest'\'';\n"|sqlplus -S "/ as sysdba")/alert_${ORACLE_SID}.log'

If you just want the last 20 lines of the alert log you can use this alias:
alias talert='tail -20 $(printf "set heading off pages 0 feedback off\n select value from v\$parameter where name='\''background_dump_dest'\'';\n"|sqlplus -S "/ as sysdba")/alert_${ORACLE_SID}.log'

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