Saturday, November 18

Random bits

I must admit that I haven't been very active on the blogging side lately. Been quite busy at work and a fair amount of my free time has been consumed by excessive Battestar Galactica viewing. :)
Work has been quite busy lately, not sure what I've actually done, lots of small things add up I guess. We recently signed a few new customers and need to configure staging environments and of course they have to use the most boring stuff around, Sybase and boring Webfear.
Why can't people just face the facts and use JBoss and Oracle?

On the plus side I've had to get a closer look at the FSC PrimePower Solaris boxes. The SPARC64 processor isn't that bad actually, it's pretty fast. I'd love to get some "end customer" pricing for their systems (noone pays list).

Productivity wise I'm writing a small system to find new physical devices on a LAN, it simply polls the MAC address table from a switch and stores the entries in a PostgreSQL database and when a new MAC is found it sends an e-mail alert to the administrator. That bit is currently working and I'm just writing a small PHP-interface to add comments to MACs so they can be easily identified. I'll post the code when it's done if anyone is interested.

Album recommendation:
And the artist of the "random time unit" is Blondie!
The album Autoamerican must without a doubt be one of the most creative and uprising albums of all times. Rap, jazz, reggae and disco on the same album is not something we see every day.

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