Thursday, December 14

Manual operations in an automatic SGA database

Oracle 10g introduced the nifty feature of automatic SGA, simply set the parameter sga_target and sga_max_size to the maximum size you can afford and Oracle will do the rest. But we still have a few manual settings, say you want a tablespace with a non-default block size (also a new feature) than the database default and you create, say a 4k block size, tablespace in a 8k database and you allocate a db_4k_cache_size for that. How do Oracle allocate that memory?

SQL> select name,value from v$parameter
where name like 'sga_target'

--------------- --------------------
sga_target 599785472

SQL> select name,round(bytes/1024/1024) M from v$sgainfo;

---------------------------------------- ----------
Fixed SGA Size 2
Redo Buffers 6
Buffer Cache Size 416
Shared Pool Size 140
Large Pool Size 4
Java Pool Size 4
Streams Pool Size 0
Granule Size 4
Maximum SGA Size 572
Startup overhead in Shared Pool 68
Free SGA Memory Available 0

11 rows selected.

SQL> alter system set db_4k_cache_size=4M;

System altered.

SQL> alter system set db_4k_cache_size=0;

System altered.

-- What actually happend here, from what
-- did Oracle steal those 4Mb
-- Let's query the v$sga_resize_ops view to see that was done.

SQL> select parameter,oper_type,initial_size,target_size
from v$sga_resize_ops
where start_time>sysdate-1

---------------- ------------- ------------ -----------
db_cache_size SHRINK 436207616 427819008
db_4k_cache_size GROW 0 8388608
db_4k_cache_size SHRINK 8388608 0
db_cache_size GROW 427819008 436207616

Ok, we can see that Oracle shrank the db_cache_size with the requested size and allowed the db_4k_cache_size to grow and when reset back to zero it freed the memory and grew the db_cache_size. Oracle could just as well have allocated the memory to the large_pool if the automatic SGA engine thought that would make more sense.
I've got the last 7 days worth for resize ops in my weekly database report that is e-mailed to me every Monday morning, it's definitely worth keeping an eye on whats going on. Sometimes it's just easier to configure the SGA manually.

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