Sunday, December 10

Oracle ASM instance startup script

Tought I'd publish my Oracle ASM instance sysv (Redhat/CentOS/Unbreakable etc) init script. The default oracleasm script provided by asmlib only prepares the disks available to ASM, you also need to start the basic instance for ASM. I've set the ASM instance to start just after oracleasm and to be killed just before it. Make sure your normal Oracle instance startup scripts are started in the correct order, i.e. after this script for startup and before this script for shutdown.
It reads the default /etc/sysconfig/oracle config file, if nothing it sets it goes to defaults and should be able to start the instance. If you don't have the ASM instance name set in /etc/sysconfig/oracle (as ASM_SID=FOO) and your instance name is not +ASM you may have to edit the script to change the default ASM SID.

Download the script here. Copy the script to /etc/init.d/ and use chkconfig --add oraasm to add it to startup. Do a chkconfig --list oraasm to verify that the script was added the runlevels you use.

Please report any bugs, problems or suggestions for the script to me.

1 comment:

Don said...

What goes into your /etc/sysconfig/oracle, and what reads it? Do you have an /etc/init.d/oracle startup/shutdown script as well?